Videos of BWP Auction Stallions online
The second edition of the BWP Premium Stallion Auction takes place on Saturday, January, 22, 2011, in “Zilveren Spoor” in Moorsele.
After the selection programme of that day has been finished, the selection committee will decide which stallions may participate in the third phase. Then the auction will start.
Thirteen top stallions have been entered for that auction. The data of those stallions (pedigree, photographs, video's) are available on the website of the BWP Stallion Selection and Auction.
Second Phase of the BWP Stallion Selection : January, 19 – 22, 2011, in “Zilveren Spoor” in Moorsele.
BWP Premium Stallion Auction : January, 22, 2011, in “Zilveren Spoor” in Moorsele.
Third Phase of the BWP Stallion Selection : March 16 – 19, 2011, in “De Warre” in Neeroeteren.