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Aachen says “no” to the FEI

Aachen, the world's most important horse show, is set for a showdown with the International Equestrian Federation (FEI) after its German organisers announced next year's event will run with zero tolerance of the drugs re-allowed in a controversial FEI vote last week.

Spokesman Michael Mronz said: “We do not want to have unsound or injured horses in our sport. Aachen 2010 will not be carried out on the basis of the current FEI regulations, but according to the ethics of clean sport.”

Germany unsuccessfully led calls for a revote at the FEI Assembly in Copenhagen after last minute proposals to introduce the controlled use of three non-steroidal anti-inflammatories and three other drugs were approved by 53-48.

Germany has spent most of 2009 overhauling domestic doping control after positive dope tests at the Olympics and embarrassing revelations from show jumping riders in the German mainstream press which prompted the withdrawal of sponsors and TV.

With its domestic controls now tougher than those sanctioned by the FEI, Aachen renewed a sponsorship deal with Deutsche Bank earlier this week.

A survey of Aachen visitors said that 89 per cent “were satisfied Aachen was exhausting all its options” regarding doping.

Most European countries voting against the FEI's late proposal to introduce the controlled use of the drugs.

One of the drugs, isoxuprine, is banned for equine use in Germany, and the FEI has already stated that national law will prevail over FEI rules where applicable in any host country. However, it made it clear that Aachen, restyled the World Equestrian Festival in 2007, was obliged to run under FEI rules.

Another newly permitted substance is lactanase, which was given in conjunction with arnica to the German Olympic team horse Cornet Obolensky, who immediately suffered a seizure in the warm-up arena.

The horse did not test positive in Hong Kong but in May his rider, Marco Kutscher, revealed the unauthorised dose to the press, triggering the wave of anti-doping activity by national and international governing bodies.