Interagro Lusitanos was filled with the sounds of bidding and sights of stunning Lusitano horses at their annual Interagro Collection National Auction, which took place on August 25, 2012 in Itapira, Brazil. The auction featured horses from both Interagro and their guest breeder, Rocas do Vouga, and was for the first time the National auction was open to an international audience. Some of the new features included an app, which allowed buyers to view all of the horses in the auction on their mobile devices, as well as an English website and x-rays on the 12 adult horses presented. Over 430 guests attended the anticipated event, and 9 of the Lusitanos sold were purchased by buyers from other Brazilian states and other countries, including the United States.
The 2012 Interagro Collection was a combination of the 21st Annual Interagro Collection National Auction and the 5th Annual Lusitano Collection International Auction, and marked the first time that the auctions were combined. The much-anticipated event presented a select number of premium Lusitano horses from both breeders. All of the Lusitanos are evaluated from birth for their athleticism, trainability, and temperament. Interagro and Rocas do Vouga sold 25 weanlings and 9 sporthorse prospects at the auction, including Diacono Interagro, Dream do Vouga, Euforia do Vouga, Hamilcar Interagro, and Dervixe Interagro.
Dervixe Interagro, a sleek black four-year-old stallion, sold to buyer Mary Brunetti of the United States. Brunetti said the experience was one of the most exciting of her life. “I am so thrilled to be the new owner of Dervixe, who I am nicknaming Leo,” said Brunetti. “I would have loved to be present in Brazil to bid on him, but Interagro made it very easy and exciting to place my bid remotely. I can’t wait to meet my new horse!” A friend of Brunetti’s rode Dervixe in Brazil in the spring and recommended the young stallion. This testimony combined with Interagro’s stellar reputation for producing top class horses, sealed the deal for Brunetti.
Cecilia Gonzaga, the Managing Director of Interagro Lusitanos, communicated with Brunetti by phone and facilitated her bidding, in addition to directing the rest of the auction. “We had a fantastic turn out for the National Auction this year, and are very happy for all of our buyers,” said Gonzaga. “Interagro and Rocas do Vouga strive to present only the crème of the crop during our auctions, and our Lusitanos are athletic, competitive, intelligent horses with hearts of gold. The Lusitano is noted to be both talented as well as willing, a combination that continues to ensure the breed’s success around the world.”
Interagro also offers guests and clients a unique way to truly immerse themselves in the Luistano breed and the equestrian culture of Interagro through Destination Lusitano. From riding an Interagro stallion across the rolling Brazilian countryside to enjoying Portuguese cuisine, Destination Lusitano caters to each guests needs and can be tailored to their interests. Interagro offers private villas on the farm, and encourages guests to visit nearby cities like Holambra, where Dutch culture is displayed in windmills and stunning flowers. In addition, the 600 Lusitanos that call Interagro home make Destination Lusitano the ultimate equestrian getaway.