
European state studs’ exhibition at Brussels

From 10th to 25th of November the European State Studs Association (ESSA) presents the exhibition titled “Horses – a European Heritage – the cultural heritage of Europe’s National Studs” at the representation of the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg to the EU at Brussels.

The exhibition is supported by the Ministry for Rural Areas, Food and Consumer Protection Baden-Wuerttemberg and organised in cooperation with the Principal and Federal stud Marbach. The oldest German state stud’s director, Dr. Astrid von Velsen-Zerweck, is part of the ESSA-board and the ESSA-office is located at Marbach.

The objective of the exhibition at the heart of the European Union is to raise awareness for tangible, intangible and living heritage of the European national studs. Since horses have lost their role in agriculture, transport and military, many of the great traditional institutions are endangered to be closed or strongly restricted by a lack of funding.

The Baden-Wuerttemberg Minister for Rural Areas, Food and Consumer Protection, Rudolf Köberle will open the exhibition with a reception on 10th of November. For the opening ceremony with different speeches and a panel discussion representatives of European politics and the horse sector are expected. The exhibition is open to the general public from 11th to 25th of November at the Representation of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Rue Belliard 60-62.

ESSA campaigns for the preservation of the European state studs’ cultural heritage. So far, 23 partner-studs from 13 European countries have joined the network. The number of personal and supporting members is growing.

Individuals wishing to support ESSA’s activities can join the association as supporting members. The newly established website gives detailed information.