
Hanoverian Winter-Auction finished with a sound result

Customers invested an average of Euro 13,271 in the 92 Hanoverian riding horses put up for the Winter Auction in Verden. Top-priced horse became the four-year-old mare Sunshine for whom her new owners paid Euro 47,000. Horse experts from 17 nations purchased a Hanoverian youngster at the auction, among them many new customers.

The chestnut mare Sunshine by San Remo/Frenchman (breeder and exhibitor: Samantha Hahn, Kührstedt) delighted the audience in the well-crowded Niedersachsenhalle with her fantastic performances. Auctioneer Friedrich-Wilhelm Isernhagen knocked down the noble dressage mare for Euro 47,000 and sold her to customers from Schleswig-Holstein. Top-priced jumper became Bellamie H by Balou du Rouet/Sandro (breeder and exhibitor: ZG Hagenah and Gustafsson-Hagenah, Oerel). Customers from Rhineland invested Euro 30,000 in the sporty show jumping mare.

Auction manager Jörg-Wilhelm Wegener came to a positive conclusion: *The Hanoverian auction year started off well with the Winter Auction. There were many new customers who were enthusiastic about the quality of the Hanoverian riding horses and who purchased immediately.”

The pricing structure was well-balanced: 22 horses were sold between Euro 11,000 and 14,999; more than Euro 15,000 was paid for 35 Hanoverians. 49 horses will stay in Germany, 43 were sold abroad. Finland and France purchased the largest contingent with each eight horses, followed by Canada with four purchases and by Italy and Switzerland with customers signing each three purchase notes.