65 Hanoverian riding horses were sold at the 126th Elite Auction in Verden.
The amazingly jumping Stakkato/Don Juan-son Senza Limiti (breeder and exhibitor: Il Chirone di Bruna de Paolis, San-Vito/Italy) achieved with Euro 150,000 the highest price of the day.
The average auction sales price was Euro 29,123. The statistics show that the 28 horses that will leave Germany contributed to approximately half of the total turnover. “The development abroad is positive and justifies our marketing measures”, breeding manager Dr. Werner Schade said.
Bernfried Erdmann purchased the stallion Senza Limiti. He is running his breeding and training stable with a lot of passion. Top-priced horse for the dressage arena became the Don Frederico/White Star-daughter Donna Felicia (breeder: Wolfgang Lohmann, Sandbostel-Mintenburg, exhibitor: Doris Hoffmann, Rhade). Customers from Austria paid Euro 130,000 for the state premium candidate. Established buyer countries like Great Britain and France purchased each four young Hanoverian horses. Just like American customers, emphasizing the positive purchasing trend in the US to be recognized again. Four futurity prospects will travel to China and three to the Russian Federation.
Averagely Euro 6,800 was paid for the 43 sold foals with almost a balance between home and foreign sales. Following a thrilling bidder's duel, auctioneer Friedrich-Wilhelm Isernhagen sold the Fidertanz/Friedensfürst-foal Fifty-Fifty (breeder: Kai Baumgartner, Wulkau) at the highest bid of Euro 33,000 to a Lower Saxonian stallion raiser.
The Gala Evening Show of the Elite Auction provided quite a couple of highlights. Isabell Werth said goodbye to her World Champion and Olympic horse Satchmo in front of Hanoverian breeders and friends from all over the world. The audience thanked the Sao Paulo/Legat-son, bred by Albert Kampen, Halle, with standing ovations. His career started at the Verden Stallion Sales in 1996. Privately owned stallion Desperados by De Niro/Wolkenstein II (breeder: Herbert Schütt, Hemmoor) was honoured with the Grande-Prize to the great applause of the audience. Besides, he will start at future competitions with the abbreviation of the Hanoverian Supporters Club FRH.
The eleven-year-old does not only count among the best young German Grand Prix-horses under Christina Sprehe, he also established an excellent reputation as breeding stallion. It is a tradition that the most successful auction exhibitor of the last 10 years is honoured at the Spring Auction.
This year, Klaus Michaelis from Basdahl was awarded the Hans Joachim Köhler-Prize.