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Steffan Peters claimed the Grand Prix at Aachen

The 11-year-old KWPN gelding, Ravel, who clearly demonstrated his top form under his rider Steffen Peters was awarded several 9s by the judges.

The World Cup winner in Las Vegas 2009 won the TESCHINKASSO Prize, the Grand Prix CDIO at the World Equestrian Festival, CHIO Aachen with a score of 77.83 percent. “I am elated about this victory,” beamed Steffen Peters, who lives in California. “I still have to get used to Ravel being one of the top three horses in the world after his World Cup victory. In the past I was happy if he came under the top five, now we have a lot more pressure on us,” commented Peters, who originally comes from the Rhineland. Second place went to the Dutch rider, Hans Peter Minderhoud, who scored 72.46 percent with his Olympic Games horse Exquis Nadine.

The victory in the Lambertz Nations Cup was claimed by the Netherlands, ahead of Germany and Great Britain. The Russian rider Alexandra Korelova ranked third with her 19-year-old Orlov trotter, Balagur. „He still thoroughly enjoys his work which is visible when he is performing. He likes me so he always gives his best, which is a great feeling,” said Korelova. The favourites, Anky van Grunsven (the Netherlands) and IPS Salinero landed in fifth place together with Matthias Alexander Rath.

The former German dominance in the results list was nowhere to be seen: The best placed German was Rath on Sterntaler-Unicef. “That certainly wasn’t our best performance. He felt great on the warm-um arena, but not so good in the test,“ said Rath disappointedly. He was followed by Heike Kemmer in seventh place with Bonaparte, who led after the first part of the competition on Wednesday. “It is rather disappointing, because none of the horses put in the performances they are capable of. There were too many technical errors and they didn’t excel in their strong points like they usually do,” reported National Dressage Coach, Holger Schmezer. Ulla Salzgeber couldn’t have been happy with her ranking either – 15th. “The atmosphere in Aachen is always something special and that wasn’t easy for Herzruf’s Erbe. I had to give him a lot of extra help, but nevertheless; I am still very happy to be competing here in Aachen again,” said the rider, who was extremely successful in the past. “The last time was five years ago with Rusty, who is now enjoying his retirement out at grass,” explained Ulla Salzgeber, who bought her Rhineland-bred Herzruf’s Erbe here in Aachen at the CHIO Sales in 2002 as a three-year-old. “I dedicated the last few years to my favourite pastime – coaching – and have taken my time schooling Herzi and Wakana.“ Ellen Schulten-Baumer who replaced Isabell Werth came 17th with the Donnerhall daughter, Donatha.