
Sweeds claim the podium in the Freestyle

The day started at 11 am with the 20.000 Euro Horsebox Austria Grand Prix Special presented by Axel Johnson Group, unfortunately without Cecilia Andrén Dorselius from Sweden.

Her horse had a small injury and together with the vet it was decided not to start in today´s Special. This cut the field down to 5 riders.

Norwegian team member for the European Championship this year in Herning (DEN), Lillann Jebsen, won the Grand Prix Special with her 16 year old horse Pro-Set with a score of 68,458% winning 6.200 EURO. “This victory feels amazing and is so welcome in the preparation for the Europeans”, Lillann said with a big smile. The judges Mary Robins (NZL), Francis Verbeek- van Rooy (NED), Anne Gribbons (USA), Leif Törnblad (DEN) and Peter Holler (GER) were unanimous about the winner.

At 2pm the 70.000 Euro Exquis Grand Prix Freestyle Kur to Music presented by Axel Johnson Group was scheduled. But before the first rider came in, the audience was surprised with a flashmob of dancers who were hiding in the audience. A good appetizer for a sold out dressage stadium. First to go was Aat van Essen from the Netherlands with his horse Macrider Premier. They scored 71,225% and eventually came in at sixth place. The first firework came from Patrik Kittel aboard Watermill Scandic. The combination did an amazing test and was absolutely synchronous to the music. Their freestyle showed very much balance and control. Patrik and Scandiman were placed first place with two of the five judges.

Second last to go was Tinne Vilhelmson-Silfvén with Don Auriello (nickname Anton). They showed much expression in their kur to the WHO music and demonstrated some really difficult transitions and turns.

Kittel and Vilhelmson were a real match today but in the end Vilhelmson won with 79,475%. Patrik Kittel came in second with 78,350%, third was Minna Telde riding Santana. They also did a good kur, but the son of Sandro Hit could be a little more closed. Their test was rewarded with a score of 75,950%.

In conclusion we can say that the Swedish riders over the last years have developed themselves in a way as never seen before. Sweden has a large number of talented young riders to choose from and also the Swedish top is getting broader and more solid. A nation to watch in the next years.