In response to some of the requests the organizing committee has received, and to assist the travel of teams and riders, we supply the following general information’s concerning MEYDAN FEI EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP for YOUNG RIDERS & JUNIORS
that will be hosted in Rio Frio on the September the 3rd, and the events that will be hosted on the 4th of September, in accordance with the FEI approved and published Schedules:
1. The Equestrian Pole of Rio Frio is located in the southern bank of the Tagus Estuary, 30 km away from Lisbon and its International Airport.
2. The soils of the tracks are composed mostly of sand and temperatures of about 30º C are normal for the beginning of September.
3. The landscape is mostly cork oak forest, with some vineyards and rice paddies.
4. The riders will be allowed access, in the previous days to the competition, at previously defined hours, early morning and late afternoon, to a properly signaled training track that will be controlled by the Competition’s Commissioners.
5. During practice, both the riders and the horses need to be properly identified with the elements supplied by the Organizing Committee.
6. The competition tracks will be interdicted until the day of the competition.
7. Access to the official stables area, from the moment of admittance of horses, will be controlled and protected, and only the accredited members of each team may have access to them, this includes Chef d`Equipe, Vet and Farrier.
8. The rest paddocks for the competing horses are located near the recovery area and the VET GATE, in an area with some tree shade. The location the team’s paddock will be determined by the Organizing Committee, its limits will be marked by each team which may install tents to improve shading conditions. Near to the paddocks there will be water sources. No cars may access this area.
9. The competition’s crew cars, will be signaled and parked in a designated area near the recovery area.
10. The Crew Points will be signaled and they can be accessed by road and dirt tracks. Under normal weather conditions, the use of 4×4 vehicles is not required, but its use is recommended. It is advisable to have cars with a higher chassis, such as a Nissan Qashquai or Toyota RAV 4.
11. Rider assistance is only allowed in the Crew Points indicated in the Road Book.
12. There is a cafeteria service and a restaurant near the VET Gate.
13. Ice will be available for sale for the participants.
14. There are showers available at the Equestrian Pole.
15. The Official Opening Ceremony will take place on the 1st of September (Thursday) at 18.30 hours in Alcochete, 14 km away from Rio Frio, with a parade, presentation of the several teams and a musical performance.
16. The Giving Prize Ceremony will be on the 3rd of September at 19.00 hours in the Equestrian Pole of Rio Frio.
17. The available conditions, as stipulated on the Schedule and supplied by the Organizing Committee are the following:
a) For the Competition of the 3rd of September – MEYDAN FEI EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP FOR YOUNG RIDERS & JUNIORS (C ) 2016:
– Each registered rider is allowed the use of one stable from the official opening of the stables (31st of August) to 5th of September, each stable will have a free supply of 2 bags of shavings (18 to 20 kg bag).
b) For the competitions of the 4th de September, CEIO3*, CEI3*, CEI2* e CEYJ2*:
– Each registered rider is allowed the use of one stable from the official opening of the stables (31st of August) to the 5th of September, each stable will have a free supply of 1 bag of shavings (18 to 20 kg bag).
18. Additionally, the O.C. will supply the following paid services:
– Stables – 20,00€/day
– Shavings – 15,00€/bag
– Hay – 15,00 €/bale- 22-23Kg each
– Straw – 10,00€/bale – 21-22Kg each
– Ice – 20,00 €/bag – 25 Kg
19. Those interested in the services mentioned in point 18, or in other services that may be solicited and can be supplied by the Organization, may be previously requested, or in the case of additional stables, must be previously requested, and paid either in advance or on-site.
Organizing Committee President
José Augusto Ramos Rocha