
Britain to host International Horseball for Ladies

Teams from France, Belgium and Germany have been invited to play against British teams in the ladies first international at Booksby Agricultura in Leicestershire from 16th to 18th November.

Horseball: Core of the Game…

1. The Game
Two teams oppose each other. They are required to gain possession of a ball, especially fitted with 6 leather handless, pass it at least three times within the teams as they race towards the goals and score by shooting through the a hoop (1 metre in diameter) suspended on a 3.5 metre poles.

It is essentially a team game and any member can score. At no time may the riders dismount, but passes may go forwards or backwards and can be as short or as long as the opponents permit. Speed is of essence.

2. The Teams
Each team is composed of 6 riders and horses. Only 4 from each team are allowed on the field at the same time, but substitutions are allowed during the match.

3. The Ball
This is a junior football (size 4) enclosed in a harness fitted with 6 leather handles.

4. The Match
There are two halves, each of 10 minutes, with half time of 3 minutes. It is umpired by 2 referees, one on horseback and the other on a chair at the side of the pitch.