
Horseball Club Colégio Vasco da Gamawins Inter Clubs Tournament in England

The National Horseball excitement hasn't stopped! Even in the aftermath of winning a Bronze medal in the World Championships, the Under 21 Horseball team of Colegio Vasco da Gama were in Nottingham once again, fighting to win a place in the Inter Clubs that were held on the 27th to 30th of August 2008, the famous 'Summer Camp Tournament' a fixed event established between these two clubs.

The Colegio Vasco da Gama team claimed victory once more this year, beating three British teams. Their object as always, other than competing, was to take advantage of the pure animated atmosphere between all the players starting with all the teams camping together. Various tours wondering around Robin Hoods native land, even meals were shared in the company of all the teams and the final 'after party' a fitting English Barbecue followed by the usual disco night.

The first day, Thursday morning was set aside for the visiting team to try out their assigned horses for this event and the afternoon for training games between mixed players from various teams.

For this tournament, where all the teams played against each other had it's official first game on Friday afternoon between Colegio Vasco da Gama and Melton. The Portuguese team taking advantage of this first game and setting the pace for the other teams. Followed by 2 more games against Nottingham and Newcastle respectively, these being very balanced, exciting games and where game experience was the deciding factor for the Portuguese team, allowing them to win each of these games.

The Horseball Club Colegio Vasco da Gama team was complied of: Nº1 – Tania Campeao, Nº2 – Joao van Uden, Nº4 – Catarina Garcia, Nº6 – Joao Pedro Rodrigues, Nº7 – Jose Joao Campeao (Captain) and Francisco Campeao – Coach.

Match Results


HC Colegio Vasco da Gama 12-4 Melton Horseball Team
Nottingham Horseball Club 7-7 Newcastle Horseball Team


Nottingham Horseball Club 3-6 HC Colegio Vasco da Gama
Newcastle Horseball Team 7-4 Melton Horseball Team


Newcastle Horseball Team 3-7 HC Colegio Vasco da Gama

Melton Horseball Team 5-9 Nottingham Horseball Club