
International Under 21's Horseball Cup – Sintra 2007

In keeping with the excellent cultural and sporting relationship that exists between Colegio Vasco da Gama and Nottingham Horseball Club, Colegio Vasco da Gama held an International Under 21's Horseball Cup Tournament, which took place between the 18th and the 23rd of December 2007 at their riding school facilities in Sintra – Portugal. This event included two British teams, Trent Horseball Team and Nottingham Horseball Club, as well as two national teams, Sintra Horseball Team and Horseball Club Colegio Vasco da Gama.

Apart from the excellent team spirit between all the participants who indulged in Horseball training sessions together, they also enjoyed Water Polo games in the schools swimming pool, rugby and soccer games on the local beach, Praia Grande, also a “ballom” game in the covered arena and still managed to fit in time for some site seeing. The players were also lucky enough to have fabulous meals prepared for them by the Portuguese players parents, making late meal times very pleasurable for everyone!

The competition however was a serious affair, seriously disputed and with a great deal of “fair play” between all teams. The first games were held on the afternoon of the 20th, where Nottingham H.C. beat Sintra H.T. by 9-4. In the second game H.C. Colegio Vasco da Gama beat Trent H.T. by 12-4. The games on the following day went as follows: Sintra H.T. played against and beat Trent H.T. by 8-6, determining 3rd and 4th places in this Cup tournament. The Final match was disputed in the next game between Nottingham H.C. and H.C. Colegio Vasco da Gama, where the home team took the advantage and won by 14-7, determining the 1st and 2nd places in the International Under 21's Horseball Cup – Sintra 2007.

The trophy for best shooter was won by Jose Joao Campeao from H.C. Colegio Vasco da Gama with 11 goals scored. Runners up being a tie between Joe Colliver and Manuel Charola both with 7 goals scored and Third place going to Joao van Uden and Tania Campeao, another tie, with both players having scored 6 goals.

On the afternoon of Saturday the 22nd the competition kicked off again with a slightly different challenge, taking advantage of the fact that some of the British players were also part of the national British horseball team, the Portuguese national side came together in preparations for the World Cup 2008 and participated in a Portugal x England game. The home side equipped with Horseball Club Colegio Vasco da Gama jerseys showed their technical superiority and synchronization on the field winning by 11-6.

The remaining Portuguese and English players that weren't involved in this game joined forces to dispute a “mixed game” which is becoming a tradition of sorts between the teams, but this time became a “girls against boys” game of both nationalities. The “boys mix team” with some physical superiority beat the “girls mix team” by 6-2, however they did not have an easy task as the “girls” showed amazing team spirit and will power, turning the game into a more beautiful and emotional event.

The event ended with a prize giving ceremony in the presence of various individuals who accompanied the schools Headmaster, Dr. Inacio Casinhas, and where it was also renewed and established the agenda for 2008 season between the two countries. A summer Cup to be held in Nottingham and a winter Cup to be held in Sintra. This event was made possible by the help and support of various entities, namely the Municipal Council of Sintra, department of Culture and the department of Tourism and SMAS of Sintra, as well as Mc Donald’s of Merces, Arizona Bakery, Matutano, Bayer, Horse Shopping, Caixa Geral de Depositos of Rio de Mouro, Caixa Economica Montepio Geral of Rinchoa, Serigrafia Carlos Claro, Hotel Quinta do Paraiso, the Portuguese Red Cross of Amadora and of course Colegio Vasco da Gama.