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Athina Onassis puts Skorpios island up for sale

Breathtaking Skorpios island, located in the Ionian Sea, has been put on the market by Athina Onassis, grandaughter of shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis.

It seems the Mediterranean paradise has lost its sentimental value for the 24-year-old heiress, who is no longer willing to pay the annual upkeep of 1.5 million euros.

The main contender to buy the island – which reportedly has a 100 million euro price tag – is Microsoft founder Bill Gates. Madonna and billionaire Roman Abramovich are also said to have shown an interest.

Athina's grandfather married John F Kennedy's widow Jackie Onassis on Skorpios in 1968. The island is virtually empty of inhabitants and visitors are forbidden, with guards watching its shores to prevent trespassers.