LIfe & StyleNews

Dirk Caremans wins the Silver Camera Award

The three best international equestrian sport photos from last year were distinguished with the Silver Camera on Saturday evening at the CHIO Aachen. Helen Langehanenberg, Ingrid Klimke and Marcus Ehning indirectly contributed towards the success of the three winners – they were namely the photo motifs.

For example the Belgian photographer, Dirk Caremans claimed first place with an emotional photo of the internationally successful dressage rider, Helen Langehanenberg. Second place went to the Dutch photographer, Arie de Vroet, followed by the German photographer Cindy Voß in third place. The prizes were awarded by Ralf Fleischer, CEO of the Rheinischer Sparkassen- und Giroverband Düsseldorf, and Hans Kauhsen, Supervisory Board member of Aachen-Laurensberger Rennverein e. V.

A jury, comprising of Ludwiga von Korff (last year’s winner), Andreas Müller (CEO, Zeitungsverlag Aachen), Erich Timmermanns (Director Advertising & PR, Sparkasse Aachen) and Frank Kemperman (Chairman of the ALRV) made a pre-selection of the 64 entries submitted by photographers from all over the globe at the beginning of June.

The famous media prize is conducted jointly by the Aachen-Laurensberger Rennverein e. V., the Sparkasse Aachen and the Rheinischer Sparkassen- und Giroverband.

The winner receives prize-money to the value of 2,500 Euros, second place wins 1,000 Euros and third place 500 Euros.