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FAIR and PLAY – the mascots of the European Championships in Herning

Up until now they have been fabulous but nameless. Therefore, European-Herning arranged a contest to find suitable names for the grand mascots and many people have participated in suggesting names.

Lots of good ideas were received, and the organizers have chosen “Fair” and “Play” which indicate the spirit that we want the European Champions to be defined by: good times and fair play!

One of the mascots has appeared on several occasions, like at the stallion show in Herning, and at the CHIO Aachen the EC mascot paraded together with CHIO Aachen’s mascot Karli.

The organisers are happy to show Fair and Play to new spectators, especially now that they have been properly named.

The winner of the contest receives two tickets to the European Show Night on Saturday in the competition week, which will surely be a smashing fun-experience.