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Six times Gold for Brazil at FEI Americas and South American Jumping Championships

Brazilian riders were in formidable form at the FEI Americas and South American Jumping Championships 2012 on their home turf in Passo Fundo when scooping all the team gold medals and three of the four individual titles on offer. Chile’s Alexandre Imschenetzky was the only one to break their grip when topping the Pre-Junior Individual Championship in which the host nation had to settle for bronze.

The busy event took place at the Centro Hipico e Haras MD in Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil last weekend. It is more than a decade since Championships of this calibre were last hosted by the Brazilian National Federation, so there was great excitement in the lead-up to the event, especially after the very successful 2011 Championships which took place in Guayquil, Eduador. It was there that 15 year old Venezuelan, Emanuel Andrade, really put himself on the map before sweeping the Junior Jumping Award at the Winter Equestrian Festival in Florida, USA, earlier this year, taking the Low Junior Jumping title at the CSI 3-Star in Kentucky, USA and challenging strongly at the FEI World Jumping Challenge Final on home soil in Caracas before winning this summer’s Atlanta Classic.

Clearly these Championships succeed in identifying, developing and encouraging the talent and skills of the up-and-coming generation of young jumping riders across the Americas who continue to show great promise for the future.

Competitors from nine countries lined out, with representatives from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay.


Both Argentina and Brazil fielded two teams in the Children’s Team Championship in which the host nation took both gold and silver. Brazil’s Equipe Verde were in a league of their own when completing on a zero score for a clear victory – pathfinder Laura Ramos Rait (MD Quator Jmen) was the only one to hit a pole when making a single second-round error while team-mates Rodrigo Junqueira Reis Marchezzi (Corlanda II Jmen), Vittorio Burger (Cheese Z) and Isabela Piovesan Dall Oglio (Quick Time) stayed clear both times out.

It took a three-way third-round jump-off to decide silver medal position however when Chile, Brazil’s Equipe Amarela and Argentina’s Equipe Branca were locked on level-pegging with 12 faults each after the first two rounds.

And it was fast times from both Amanda Crescencio Pedrosa (Ultimate Metodo) and Samanta Tiveron (Upsakee) that helped clinch it for Brazil’s Amerala squad that also included Siew Chhiang (Asterix) and Victoria Junqueira Ribeiro de Mendonca (Geysa HV). All four team-members jumped clear, and with the best three times added, they posted 86.17 seconds which gave them more than seven seconds of an advantage over the gallant Argentinian foursome of Josefina Rico (Enteriano Jr), Manuel Chechic (Magarita JIA) Delfina Olazabal (Legui Do) and Eugenia Sol Raigada (Tropi Imperial) who took team bronze. Chile’s Isidora Gonzalez (Angelina) was quick and clear but when Benjamin Pinto (Charlotte Z) and Carmen Novion (Atletica) each left a fence on the ground then Almendra Resano (Hyo Darling) didn’t return to the ring because the medals were already decided and they would have to settle for fourth place.

Notably, Rico and Brazil’s Tiveron each produced three sparkling clears for their countries.

And Tiveron and Rico came back to add Individual silver and bronze on the final afternoon when Brazil’s Isabela Piovesan Dall Oglio made it double-gold with another great performance from her 10 year old gelding Quick Time.


It was triple-gold again for Brazil in the Junior Championship. Five teams lined out for the Team medals here, but one of the two Argentinian selections consisted of just three riders as did the Colombian side, and both of these were eliminated in the opening round. That left Brazil’s Equipe Verde and Equipe Amarela battling it out with Argentina’s Equipe Azul in the second round, at the end of which Equipe Verde were already assured of gold with just four faults on the board.

Anchorman Joao Victor Castro Aguiar Gomes de Lima (GH Watson) was the only member of the victorious side to remain clear both times out while his team-mates Carolina Drummond (Lala de la Hurie) and Fernando Chiarotto Penteado (Arriminium TW) each collected just four faults. First-line rider, Gabriel Figueiredo Silva Cury (SH Just Like Heaven) was clear in the opening round but picked up eight faults in round two.

Their colleagues on Equipe Amerala went into a two-way showdown with Argentina’s Equipe Azul when both were tied on 12 faults at the end of the second round. And once again the Brazilians had the edge when adding nothing further to their total. Only pathfinder Francisco De A. Camara Neto (MV Fape Casey) faulted this time out, Luiz Otavio Wilson Ferreira Gomes (Iliada Jmen) producing his third clear of the day while Luis Antonio Piva Filho (Noble Carthago) and Vitor Dantas Medeiros (VDL Wummel Polana) also kept a clean sheet to ensure silver medal spot.

Argentina’s Agustin Lero (Radan DVL) and Facundo Bertoldi (Du Noble) were foot-perfect at their final attempt, but when Manuel Boragina Cerda (Lenoir Los Pinos) and Felipe Fuentes (Tamanaco Ares) picked up eight faults each they were obliged to add one of these to slot into bronze medal position.


The host nation was in complete command again in the Pre-Junior Team Championship when taking both gold and silver. Teams from Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Chile lined out in this one, but with just a single time fault to count from each round, Brazil’s Equipe Amarela – Rafael Rodrigues Moderno (RRM Stakkarta), Patsy Mourao Zurita (Singular Longane de Laubry), Giulia Dal Canton Scampini (HRC Keep on Fighting) and Alberto Bento Sinimbu (Gr Armani) – proved untouchable. None of the winning team managed to maintain a completely clean sheet, although Zurita and Scampini went clear in the second round.

But Guilherme Uvina (Armageddon) was fault-free in both rounds for Equipe Verde who completed with just four faults for team silver. This team was out in front on a zero score at the end of the first round when Uvina, Christine Mattos F Albiani Alves (Boomerang) and Pedro Moura Carvalho (Royal Flow HV) were fault-free. But despite second-round clean efforts from both Uvina and Rodrigues, one of the single errors from both Alves and Carvalho had to be taken into account so they finished just two faults behind the winning side at the end of the day.

Equipe Azul from Argentina carried just four faults into the second round, but they added four more second time out for a total of eight so Jeronimo Gimenez (CT Chasqui), Jacqueline Groba (Cuyen I), Santiago Orifici (LVO Camilo) and Emilia Grimaldi (Pegasus Almudena) stood on the third step of the medal podium.

Orifici returned on Sunday to claim Individual silver for Argentina ahead of Brazil’s Giulia Dal Canton Scampini in bronze. Individual gold went to Chile’s Alexandre Imschenetzky who has been showing increasing promise since finishing just outside the medals, in individual fourth, at the Children’s Championship in Caracas, Venezuela two years ago – another indication of the progressive influence of these important Championships.

Young Riders

Just 12 horse-and-rider combinations fought it out for the medals in the South American Jumping Championship for Young Riders in which the Brazilians had it all their own way. Costa Rica’s Federico Arias (Zilverstone VD Kapel) and Argentina’s Lucas Mesa (Moon Shadow) were the only ones who were not flying the Brazilian flag in this competition, and Aras finished a close fourth behind Iago Da Silva Almeida Zavier (Anouka van de Fruitkorp) in bronze medal position.

Silver went to Luiz Piauhlino Neto (Landmark Do Feroleto) while it was fellow-Brazilian, Kitaro Baldaia Bemfica (Contendro) who claimed the coveted gold.

Course designer for these Championships was Brazil’s Marina Azevedo. In the Children’s final the fences stood at 1.25m, the Pre-Juniors jumped 1.30m, the Juniors competed over 1.40m and the Young Riders tackled tracks up to 1.50m.


FEI Americas Jumping Championship for Children –

GOLD – Equipe Verde, Brazil, 0 faults: MD Quastor Jmen (Laura Ramos Rait)0/4, Corlands II Jmen (Rodrigo Jungueira Reis Marchezzi) 0/0, Cheese Z (Vottorio Burger) 0/0, Quick Time (Isabela Piovesan Dall Oglio) 0/0;

SILVER – Equipe Amarela, Brazil 12 faults, 119.02 seconds in third round jump-off: Asterix (Siew Chiang) 0/8/0, Geysa HV (Victoria Junqueira Ribeiro de Mendonca) 4/9/0, Upsakee (Samta Tiveron) 0/0/0, ultimate Metodo (Amanda rescendio Pedrosa) 4/0/0;

BRONZE – Equipe Branca, Argentina 12 faults, 124.71 seconds in third round jump-off: Esterriano Jr (Josefina Rico) 0/0/0, Margarita Jia (Manuel Chechic) 4/8/0, Legui Do (Delfina Olazabal) 0/4/0, Tropi Imperial (Eugenia Sol Raigada) 4/4/8.

FEI Americas Jumping Championships for Children –


GOLD – Quick Time (Isabela Piovesan Dall Oglio) BRA;

SILVER – Upsakee (Samta Tiveron) BRA;

BRONZE – Enterriano Jr (Josefina Rico) ARG.

FEI Americas Jumping Championships
for Pre-Juniors – Teams:

GOLD – Equipe Amarela, Brazil, 2 faults – RRM Stakkarta (Rafael Rodeigues Moderno) 0/1, Singular Longane de Laubry (Patsy Mourao Zurita) 4/0, HRC Keep on Fighting (Giulia Dal Canton Scampini) 1/0, GR Armani (Alberto Bento Sinimbu 0/4;

SILVER – Equipe Verde, Brazil, 4 faults: Boomerang (Christine Mattos F Albiani Alves) 0/4, Vernaccia Do Rio Acima) Bianca de Souza Roderigues) 8/0, Armageddon (Guilherme Livina) 0/0, Royal Flow HV (Pedro Moura Carvalho) 0/4;

BRONZE – Equipe Azul, Argenina, 8 faults; CT Chasqui (Jeronimo Gimenez) 12/8, Guyen (Jacqueline Groba)4/0, LVO Camilo (Santiago Orifici) 0/0, Pegasus Almudena (Emilia Grimaldi) 0/4.

FEI Americas Jumping Championships for Pre-Juniors


GOLD – Millenium Blue (Alexandre Imschenetzky) CHI; SILVER – LVO Camilo (Santiago Orifici) ARG; BRONZE – HRC Keep on Fighting (Giulia Dal Canton Scampini) BRA.
FEI Americas Jumping Championships
for Juniors –


GOLD – Equipe Verde, Brazil, 4 faults: SH Just Like Heaven (Gabriel Figueiredo Silva Cury) 0/8, Lala De La Hurie (Caroline Drummond) 4/0, Arriminum TW (Fernando Chiarotto Penteado) 4/0, QH Watson (Joao Victor Castro Aguiar Gomes De Lima) 0/0;

SILVER – Equipe Amarela, Brazil, 12 faults, 0 faults in third-round jump-off; MV Fape Casey (Francisco De A. Camara Neto)11/0, Iliada Jmen (Luiz Otavio Wilson Ferreira Gomes) 0/0, Noble Carthago (Luis Antonio Piva Filho) 4/0, VDL Wummel polana (Vitor Dants Medeiros0 8/4;

BRONZE – Equipe Azul, Argentina, 12 faults, 8 faults in third-round jump-off;Radan DVL (Agustin Lera) 0/8, Lenoir Los Pinos (Manuel Boragina Cerda) 20/16, Du Noble (Facundo Bertoldi) 0/4, Tamanaco Ares (Felipe Fuentes) 0/0.

FEI Americas Jumping Championships for Juniors –


GOLD – QH Watson (Joao Victor Castro Aguiar Gomes De Lima) BRA;

SILVER – Noble Carthago (Luis Antonio Piva Filho) BRA:

BRONZE – Tamanaco Ares (Felipe Fuentes) ARG.

FEI South American Jumping Championship for Young Riders –


GOLD – Landmark Do Feroleto (Luiz Piauhylino Neto) BRA;

SILVER – Anouska Van de Fruitkorp (Iago Da Silva Almeida Xavier) BRA;

BRONZE – Contendro (Kitaro Baldaia Bemfica) BRA.